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Minor Versionm

by Alkesh Dhak

Video Overview

  1. The IOX-WRKS primary port connects to the DB9 to the serial port on the Force America SSC5100 with the HRN-FAI cable. The IOX-WRKS primary port connects to the DB9 to the serial port on the Force America SSC5100 with the HRN-FAI cable.
    • The IOX-WRKS primary port connects to the DB9 to the serial port on the Force America SSC5100 with the HRN-FAI cable.

  2. The Force America SSC5100 should be factory enabled to send and store data. The following steps can be used to confirm that Event Logging is enabled. Power on the Force America SSC5100 controller and use the left selector knob to display [calib]. Press the left selector knob in to enter calibration mode [CALIB].
    • The Force America SSC5100 should be factory enabled to send and store data. The following steps can be used to confirm that Event Logging is enabled.

    • Power on the Force America SSC5100 controller and use the left selector knob to display [calib].

    • Press the left selector knob in to enter calibration mode [CALIB].

    • Rotate the left selector knob to [SET SPREADER CONFIG] and press the centre selector knob for "yes".

    • Rotate the left selector knob to [ENABLE EVENT LOGGING] and press the centre selector knob for "yes".

    • If it is determined that Event Logging cannot be enabled, a programming key is required from Force America to unlock this feature. It uses a “one time use only” key which is held on the security button (top right) during power up.

  3. The following steps are required to unlock Event Logging so that the Force America SSC5100 controller is able to stream data to the IOX-WRKS, Press the left selector knob so that [calib] changes to [CALIB]. Note that it should change to uppercase. Turn the left selector knob until [SETUP EVENT LOGGING] is displayed.
    • The following steps are required to unlock Event Logging so that the Force America SSC5100 controller is able to stream data to the IOX-WRKS,

    • Press the left selector knob so that [calib] changes to [CALIB]. Note that it should change to uppercase.

    • Turn the left selector knob until [SETUP EVENT LOGGING] is displayed.

    • Press the right selector knob to select "yes".

    • Turn the left selector knob until [STORE EVENT OBD&EXT] is displayed.

    • Press the right selector knob to select "yes".

    • Ensure the following settings are applied as indicated below.

    • Baud Rate = 9600

    • Protocol = Force

    • Data Format = Long

    • Data Capture = External & save onboard

    • The following data fields should be activated: 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,22,23,24,25,26,27,33,34,35,36

    • Add fields 16, 17, 18 for anti-icing add fields 19, 20 for temperature.

    • The following triggers should be activated: 4,5,10,13,14,24,33

    • Add trigger 16 for anti-icing.

    • Exit the [CALIB] menu.

    • The Force America SSC5100 controller is now configured to stream data to the IOX-WRKS.

    • Ensure the IOX-WRKS has the correct controller configuration loaded before proceeding to verification / simulation mode.

    • Set [Spinner], [Conveyor] and [Liquid] to desired settings.

    • Press the green spreader knob (on and off) on the controller to trigger an event change.

    • Verify the data.

Finish Line

Alkesh Dhak

Member since: 04/07/2022

64 Guides authored
